
Beginners Mind

We approach each new project with a Zen-like beginner’s mind, making every effort to see our client’s identity and circumstances as if for the first time, without preconceptions. In fact, it is our genuine curiosity that enables us to embrace a blank slate mindset as we seek to find the essence of our client’s story. With this clarity of vision, we begin the process of building unique films.

Deep Dive

Integral to our method is an initial dialogue and discovery stage. We like to go deep exploring our client’s history, culture, systems, and people. Primary are the in-depth conversations we have with leadership and others to gain an intelligent understanding of mission and current direction. This due diligence enables us to identify key story points, shape dynamic narratives, and formulate the best visual approach to achieve strategic communication goals.

Emotional Core

Every human activity has at its core deep-seated reasons for its existence, rooted in experiences, feelings, and aspirations. Incorporating these emotional truths in our storytelling is how and why our films resonate deeply and facilitate meaningful connections with audiences. Our films make explicit the emotional bonds between what our clients do and what their customers need. By establishing clarity and trust with our partners, we are able to produce films that create genuine excitement and drive behavior.

Aesthetic Will

The glory of the audio-visual medium is the filmmaker’s ability to finely choreograph every aspect of what the audience sees, hears, and feels. The choice and arrangement of images, shapes, colors, sounds, and music are the means to focus ideas, amplify emotions, and create meaning. The finesse and elegance with which we use our digital toolset to build stories enables us to imprint, activate, and inspire positivity, possibility, and informed action among our audiences.

Note Perfect

Our films would not succeed without an extraordinary attention to detail and nuance, both creatively and operationally. Maybe it’s our love of music, but we see every project as if it were a symphony to be written, arranged, and performed. Our exacting standards — to continue with the metaphor — reveal the full dimension of every individual note, every harmony, and the power of the entire orchestra. Our goal is for the completed symphony to be received with rapturous applause and, hopefully, a standing ovation — and that it be delivered on time and on budget!

Let's build something beautiful together.


© 2021 Build Pictures. Created by Studio Flach